Gallery of Champions Inductees
Gallery of Champions Inductees Photo Credit Lutwin Jungmann

2024 Gallery of Champions Induction Ceremony

Gallery of Champions Introduction
Gallery of Champions Introduction Photo Credit Lutwin Jungmann
Monday, August 19, 2024, at 16:00
Medal Plaza, Slottsskogsvallen Stadium
Margit Jungmann
President, World Masters Athletics

On behalf of WMA Council, I welcome all of you to the Unveiling of our very special project, the World Masters Athletics Gallery of Champions.

When we rebranded our organization in 2022, one of our goals was to elevate our commitment of  doing more for our Masters athletes. WMA Gallery of Champions recognizes masters athletes who are champions in their sport and in the communities, they live in, for they are inspirational and are making a meaningful difference all around them. We encourage you to visit the gallery on the WMA website to learn more about the WMA Gallery of Champions and the accomplishments of all our champions.

And now, I’m very proud to present to you our newly inducted Champions who have just been appointed WMA Ambassadors, starting with the Champions who are competing in Gothenburg.

Emma McGowan (USA) Photo Credit Lutwin Jungmann.
Heather Ruth Carr Photo Credit Lutwin Jungmann.
Heather Ruth Carr (Australia) Photo Credit Lutwin Jungmann.
Matthias Sunneborn
Matthias Sunneborn (Sweden) Photo Credit Lutwin Jungmann
Juliana Gumpil
Juliana Gumpil (Malaysia) Photo Credit Lutwin Jungmann.
Julie Brims
Julie Brims (Australia) Photo Credit Ross Brims.
Wacław Kankowski
Wacław Kankowski (Poland) Photo Credit Lutwin Jungmann.
Karla Del Grande
Karla Del Grande (Canada) Photo Credit Lutwin Jungmann.
Rachel Guest
Rachel Guest (USA) Photo Credit Lutwin Jungmann.

Unfortunately, three of our champions were not able to travel to Gothenburg for the Championships. They have appointed someone close to them and their involvement in athletics to accept their Certificate of Induction on their behalf:

Takumi Matsushima, Brazil (Mr. Vicente Hattori from Takumi’s team accepted)

Carol Lafayette-Boyd, Canada (Vern Christensen, President of Canadian Masters Athletics accepted)

Allan Tissenbaum, USA (a friend, Jimson Lee, accepted)

Margit invited Swedish Mattias Sunneborn, Ambassador of the WMAC2024 in Gothenburg, and of WMA Gallery of Champions to say a few words.

Please join me and the WMA Council in congratulating the newly inducted Champions into the inaugural WMA Gallery of Champions, who have also been appointed WMA Ambassadors.

Gallery of Champions Inductees
Gallery of Champions Inductees Photo Credit Lutwin Jungmann
Emma McGowan and Lynne Schickert Photo Credit Lutwin Jungmann
Emma McGowan and Lynne Schickert Photo Credit Lutwin Jungmann
Julie Brims and Lynn Schickert Photo Credit Lutwin Jungmann.
Photo Credit Lutwin Jungmann
Photo Credit Lutwin Jungmann
Photo Credit Lutwin Jungmann
Photo Credit Lutwin Jungmann

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