World Masters Athletics News Introducing the new WMA Council for 2018-2020

Introducing the new WMA Council for 2018-2020


With the recent election of Margit Jungmann to the position of President at the Malaga World Championships, there has also been the change that brings Lynne Schickert into the vacant position left by Margit of Executive Vice-President.


The above Photo courtesy of Lutwin Jungmann.

Left to right – Back row:
Kurt Kaschke (regional representative Europe); Pierre Weisse (IAAF Representative); Richard Amigo (regional representative South America); Guillermo Guzman (regional representative North & Central America and the Caribbean);

Left to right – Front row:
Leonie Etong (regional representative Africa); Maria Alfaro (Secretary); Lynne Schickert (Executive Vice-President); Jean Thomas (Treasurer); Margit Jungmann (President): Brian Keaveney (Vice-President Competition); Sivapragasam Sivasambo (regional representative Asia)


You can of course find details of the council and area delegates HERE