World Masters Athletics News,Torun2019 1st IAAF & WMA World Masters Conference Torun (POL) 26th – 27th March 2019

1st IAAF & WMA World Masters Conference Torun (POL) 26th – 27th March 2019


Men and women – Master athletes who have reached their 35th birthday – do not only produce outstanding athletic performance but are globally the strongest athletics community fostering international friendship, understanding and co-operation through Master’s athletics.There is an increasing awareness in the Masters’ community of the need for a tailor-made, age-related optimal training concept which allows the Masters not only to achieve outstanding athletic performance but also to reduce the risks for the individual athlete’s health.

In close cooperation with the WMA the IAAF has in two global surveys identified the most relevant topics and invited a number of experts whose knowledge, experience and input will not only further qualify the Masters but also provide them with crucial training recommendations.

The main objective of this conference is to contribute in an interactive form – e.g. Q & A Session with Best Practice Athletes & Scientist to the continuous professional development (CPD) of Masters, bringing consistency and competence (lifelong learning) to the individuals for a synergy of a healthy community life with a long-term athletes’ career.


Aspects of Strength Training with Masters

Dietmar Schmidtbleicher

Dietmar Schmidtbleicher, Prof. Dr. (GER)

  • Former Head and Chair of the Department of Exercise Physiology and Movement Science, Goethe-University Frankfurt/Main in Germany (emerit.)
  • Head of the Board of Directors of the Federal Institute of Sport Science, Ministry of Internal Affairs (1994 – 2006)
  • Responsible for the Development of Research in High Performance Sports for Germany
  • Lecturer at the Universities of: Leipzig, Darmstadt, Cologne (Germany), Recife, Belo Horizonte (Brazil), Lisboa (Portugal), Landquart, Magglingen (Switzerland), Utrecht(Netherlands).
  • Lecturer for IAAF and IOC for more than 28 years
  • Scientific Consultant: National Institute of Sports (Malaysia)
  • Reviewer and member of the Scientific Board in 8 international and 7 national Journals
  • Publications: 470
  • Research Topics: Adaptation of the Neuromuscular System to high performance Training; Motor Learning; Rehabilitation of top athletes


Independent of the age we have to decide which type of strength training should be improved: maximal strength, power, strength endurance or parts or all of them.

This leads to the specific physiological and morphological adaptations and consequently to the preferred training methods.

Upper and lower extremities need different types of strength training compared to the core stabilising muscles. Additionally, the coordination characteristic of the movement plays an important role. Fast and slow stretch-shortening-cycles need separate programs.

A mayor ageing effect is sarcopenia – a loss of the fastest motor units. Therefore, training methods are recommended which aim on the activation of these units. Especially workouts for the improvement of the intramuscular coordination and stretch-shortening-cycles show the demanded effect.

With respect to the periodisation these methods cannot be combined with hypertrophy or strength endurance methods.

Tuesday 26th March 2019

16:00 – 17:00

“Aspects of Strength Training with Masters” Prof. Dr. Dr. Dietmar Schmidtbleicher

17:15 – 17:45

Coaching / Training of World Class MASTERS – Best practice of STRENGTH training (Q & A)

Medallist and his / her coach; Speaker Prof. Dr. Dietmar Schmidtbleicher



Aspects of Endurance Training with Masters

Ulrich Hartmann

Ulrich Hartmann, Prof. Dr. (GER)

  • Head of the Institute for Movement and Training Science, Faculty of Sport Science, University of Leipzig, Germany.
  • Lecturer for IOC, IAAF, FISA, German Coaches Academy and other national and international Federations for more than 25 years.
  • Guest Professor at the Sport University of Beijing & Shanghai, Honorary Professor at the National Academy for Sport, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
  • Scientific Consultant for several international Federations and boards.
  • Reviewer and member of numerous international scientific journals.
  • Research in the area of training scientific issues in connection with practical performance diagnosis, computer-aided interpretations as well as the occurring relevant questions concerning those subjects.
  • About 100 papers as 1st and another 140 as 2nd and co-author.
  • For many years invited speaker in Germany and abroad in more than 55 countries with more than 300 presentations and lectures.

According to Roux (1895) the mechanisms of load and adaptation are based on general biological principles. According to the general textbook opinion, adaptations provoked by physical exercise are based on the models of over- and supercompensation. The ideas and consequences deriving from this approach regarding physical training, independent of the state of physical fitness or the age, are expressed by various descriptions in literature.

An increase of physical strain causes a functional rise of the protein-synthesis rate. The effect is that with increased physical strain a greater amount of functional proteins is being built. This is possible only through an increase of the protein-synthesis what leads to a re-synthesis of functional proteins. In the end this also conditions a greater use of the individually existing reserve of adaptation. – With the appropriate strain of the cellular system on high level of performance (competitive senior athletes / elite athletes) it therefore reveals that there are, if any at all, only long time periods with very little adaptation or increase of performance. This also gives the reason why with high class athletes there are hardly any verifiable increases of performance.

Furthermore specific notions about the energy supply mechanisms in sport specific loads are existing in most of the textbooks. In the meantime it is well known that many of these perceptions need an overhauling revision. This implicates partially a revision of the expected (adaptation)effects on the active muscle tissue and consequential of the anticipated effects and benefits of the existing training methods and loads. Likewise it would be recommended to review a part of the momentary used terminology in training physiology and methodology, p.e. aerobic / anaerobic capacity, lactate tolerance training, lactate formation rate etc.. This includes to discuss and to redefine those actual perceptions and their influences to the sport practice and the traditional points of view (p.e. for periodisation).


Wednesday 27th March 2019

16:00 – 17:00

“Aspects of Endurance Training with Masters” Prof. Dr. Ulrich Hartmann

17:15 – 17:45

Coaching / Training of World Class MASTERS – Best practice of ENDURANCE training (Q & A)

Medallist and his / her coach; Speaker Prof. Dr. Ulrich Hartmann


All Moderated by: Günter Lange


Event details


ToruńArena Sports Hall

Arena Hotel 3rd Floor

73 – 89 Bema Street
