World Masters Athletics News,WMAC22 WMA business got done!

WMA business got done!

The General Assembly is where WMA Officers and Championships are selected, Constitution and rule changes are approved or rejected, reports are given and special recognitions are made – WMA business is conducted. It was great to have this important meeting that was delayed for two years by Covid. More than 120 Delegates representing about 51 countries attended this year’s General Assembly on 4 July.

Members’ Delegates at this year’s General Assembly

Some of the Officers are selected at each General Assembly which ensures continuity. Executive Vice President, Secretary and Vice President of Competition were selected this year. Alan Bell, GBR, and Juan Ordóñez, MEX, ran unopposed and were selected selected for Vice President of Competition and Secretary respectively. Lynne Schickert, AUS, was selected by the Members’ Delegates over Ian Richards, GBR, for Executive Vice President.

WMA Council Left to right – Back row: Walentina Fedjushina (regional representative Europe); Guillermo Guzman (regional representative North & Central America and the Caribbean); Antii Pihlakoski (IAAF Representative); Alan Bell (Vice-President Competition); Richard Amigo (regional representative South America); Left to right – Front row: Jean Thomas (Treasurer); Margit Jungmann (President): Lynne Schickert (Executive Vice-President); Juan Ordóñez (Secretary); Missing: Leonie Etong (regional representative Africa); Sivapragasam Sivasambo (regional representative Asia); Ruth Mave (regional representative Oceania)

The Assembly also selected Cesar Moreno Bravo, MEX, as an Honorary Lifetime Member.

Brian Keaveny, CAN, departing Vice President of Competition, honored for his contributions and service to our sport.

María Alfaro, MEX, departing Secretary, honored for her contributions and service to our sport.

The Council honored Bob Schickert, AUS, Karel Matzner, CZE, and Doug Smith, CAN, with gold, silver and bronze pins respectively.

Bob Schickert, AUS, receiving his gold pin from Executive Vice President and wife, Lynne.

Status reports were given by Toruń, 2023 World Masters Indoor Championship LOC, and 2024 World Masters Stadia Championship LOC, Göteborg. Members’ Delegates approved the city of Daegu as our 2026 WMACI host.

Margit Jungmann and Cesar Moreno Bravo celebrate with members of the 2026 WMAC Daegu team.

Information on Constitution and Competition Rule changes will be available soon.